Start your own
People have told us for over 10 years we have the best job in the world.
We agree!
Let us help you get the tools to have the best job in the world.
Location/ Premises
Where do you want to open your new daycare? Is there competition close by?
How many dogs do you want per day?
These questions will start us on our research journey to help you find the best location for your daycare, as the location and amount of dogs per day will influence the total floor space needed.
Zoning Issues
Confused about council reports and requirements?
Let us walk you through the legislation and help you find the right zoning for your business.
Start up costs
K9 Consulting has a business startup checklist that outlines potential costs so that you can budget accordingly and have a starting point for how much money you will need.
Some of these costs include:
Software choices
Overwhelmed by the different programs available for dog daycares? Unsure which is best suited for you? Let us help you pick the right system
Layout plans
The flow of your daycare is one of the most important things to ensure the safety of both the dogs and humans. You need to optimise your space so that it allows for:
Play areas
Wet areas
Equipment and supplies storage
K9 Consulting offers fit out services once you have your layout plan completed.